Inclement Weather
School Closure - Inclement Weather
This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review
Where to get information:
DoDEA notification system will send out notifications, via email or text.
If you are not receiving notifications please contact the NMS Main Office at 0611-143-545-2091.
  Check the US Army Garrison Bavaria Facebook Page for updates.
Delayed Start:
Bus pickups and school will start 2 HOURS later. If your child’s bus pick up time is at 07:15, the bus will be at the bus stop at 09:15. If you drop your child off or they walk to school please do not arrive before 9:45 as faculty and staff may not be on campus yet.
School begins at 10:05 and ends at 14:40.
Early Release:
School will be released at 11:10, buses will depart at 11:20. School will close after all students have left campus.