About Our School
Educate, Engage, and Empower military-connected students to succeed in a dynamic world.
Excellence in Education for Every Student, Every Day, Everywhere
Home of the Knights
Netzaberg is located in the Oberpfalz (Upper Palatinate) region in the German State of Bayern (Bavaria). We are located in a rural community, approximately 60 miles/97 kms NE of Nuremberg. The town lies approximately 2.5 miles/4Km outside the gates of the Grafenwoehr Training Area and is composed entirely of the 830 leased housing units, schools, and community facilities. NMS services the students affiliated with the USAG Bavaria (Vilseck, Grafenwoehr, and Netzaberg Village). One of the unique features of Netzaberg MS is that it is part of the Netzaberg Community, which includes a Shoppette, Netzaberg Elementary School, Netzaberg Community Chapel, Youth Services facilities, and a Child Development Center. The area is exclusively a community support area so there is limited traffic and it is centrally located for those living in the Netzaberg Village Housing Area. We are physically connected to our educational colleagues at Netzaberg Elementary School. This unique physical and educational connection has allowed the Netzaberg Knights to partner with elementary students (e.g. Reading and Writing Buddies, Kinder PE Coaching, STEAM collaborative activities, Bavarian Fasching Festival, NMS Community Fun Runs, AVID support, and Drama presentations) throughout the school year. We also partner with the German Eschenbach Gymnasium (6th -12th) with various educational events (Science, Engineering, Physical Education and Junior Leadership Seminar Pen Pals).
Netzaberg Middle School was completed in 2008. The students and staff take great pride in maintaining their facility. During SY 2015-16 our Science and Band Addition was opened for student use. For the Performance Arts, we are proud to offer students Band, Choral, Strings, Art, Drama, and Video Productions. We also offer Intro to Programming and are competing again this year in the DoDEA FIRST Lego League Robotics Challenge.
Courses are offered to the highly capable students for high school credit in Mathematics, Foreign Languages. Student Support Services include English as a Second Language, Read 180, Math Support, Full-time Nurse, School Psychologist, Emotionally Impaired Specialist, Special Education instructors with Para-Educators, . Also our student support services include one full-time Guidance Counselor, full-time Behavioral Health Clinician, Military Life Consultants (MFLC), and an Adolescent Support and Counseling Services (ASACS).
Guiding Principles - Knight P.R.I.D.E.

Continuous School Improvement Goals
Academic District SMART Objective:
1.1 Data-Informed Instruction
Provide all students with instruction that is aligned to rigorous standards and is differentiated based on an appropriate assessment system and the needs of individual learners.
Organizational District SMART Objective:
2.1 Professional Learning Communities/ Focused Collaboration
Provide leadership and support for the continued implementation of Professional Learning Communities/ Focused Collaboration in all schools.
DoDEA College and Career Readiness Standards:
2.2 College and Career Ready Standards
Provide leadership and support for the continued implementation of College and Career Ready Standards.